Posted by: sakalaradiance | May 28, 2013

The transformational power of Ayurvedic skin care

For centuries, women have known about the power of ayurveda to help heal the mind, body and spirit. Through diet, lifestyle, exercise and cleansing, this 5000 years old tradition is positively transformational. Since we began, our skin care has fused the ancient wisdom of ayurvedic practices with powerful Western ingredients to deliver formulas that restore skin to natural radiance. It’s not about erasing age; it’s about promoting health, wellbeing and ageless living.

We crafted formulas to improve various skin types that work with each individual’s unique biochemistry, also known as your dosha. By using skin smarts as well as the teachings we’ve come to embrace, we have been balancing your skin to achieve the deepest level of body, mind and cellular consciousness. Through Vata, Pitta and Kapha, we produced visible results. Then came the introduction of Sakala, and along with treating skin dehydration and premature aging (Vata), redness and inflammation (Pitta) and excessive oiliness (Kapha), we began to bring skin into harmony. The Sakala formulas are tailored to your unique skin issue, treating all aspects while delivering true radiance. We call it euphoric harmony.

Sakala has become our strongest and most popular category. That’s why we’re expanding it to become our soul focus. Because with Sakala, skin care becomes a celebration of knowing what we possess inside, our inner beauty that leads to outer radiance.

Let’s glow on this journey together.

Posted by: sakalaradiance | November 20, 2011

Ghee is Butter, Butter is Ghee

good fats to eatFats/ Oils:

What is Ghee?

Clarified butter made from the milk of a buffalo or cow, used in Indian cooking.


Ghee is favoured for frying and releasing the aroma from spices. Oils which are liquid at room temperature should generally not be heated as they become unstable producing free radicals. Fats which are solid at room temperature (coconut, ghee, animal fat) are more heat stable. Delicate oils, such as hemp seed oil, are best used after cooking, such as in dressings or drizzled over steamed vegetables. See below for ghee recipe. See Erasmus’ book ‘Fats that heal, Fat’s that kill’ (1993) for more information.

Posted by: sakalaradiance | November 10, 2011

Body Clock Performance

Indian sunsetIn the Ayurvedic tradition, seasons like people have attributes of the doshas, so do the
hours of the day.

2:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M.,

Vata is expressed as creativity and active dreams. At this time, brain impulses are at their most active and are excellent for meditation and deeply creative silent work. To take advantage of this special time of creativity it is best to awaken between 4-6am.

6:00 A.M to 10 A.M.,

At 6.00 A.M the Kapha cycle begins. During the weekends or when you need additional restorative rest, take advantage of the Kapha cycle, by awaken between 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. You will feel slow, relaxed, calm: all Kapha attributes.

10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.,

It is Pitta time. You are at your most active and efficientduring these hours. At noon, or lunchtime, your appetite is at its peak. Eat lunch betweennoon and 1:00 P.M. to use Pitta to your advantage. Lunch also should be your largest meal of the day. This is the best time of the day to do mentally challenging activities like tests or learning new things.

2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.,

Vata time again, when you are most alert and creative. A light dinner should be eaten before 6:00 P.M. if possible to take advantage of this energy.

6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.,

Use this as the opportunity at sunset to bring the body into rest and a slower pace. It is best to get to bed with lights of no later then 10:00 P.M. to take advantage of the natural Kapha rhythm of this time. For best digestion, eat dinner at least three hours before bedtime.

10:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M.,

Pitta keeps the body warm; the body also uses the Pitta heat to digest food and rebuild body tissues. If you are awake at 10pm your fire begins to burn and (mind and body) and it is difficult to get to sleep and even harder to raise during the Vata cycle ends before 6am.

Posted by: sakalaradiance | November 7, 2011

Eco Essential Oils

lavendar essential oilsDoshaCare goes a step further by Utilizing Socially and Environmentally Responsible Essential Oils
DoshaCare has engaged the services of David Crow, a licensed acupuncturist, master herbologist, aromatherapist, author, health educator, and meditation teacher to co-develop and supply the highest quality essential oils for our products. David and Patty
Schmucker, Founder of DoshaCare, share a passion about the urgent need for change in the world. Their collaboration in the development of DoshaCare’s aromas is their forum to provide an example of what is possible in developing a sustainable system of
doing business that provides good stewardship in the area of social and environmental. DoshaCare is committed to achieving the following standards through the relationship we have established with David Crow.


  • To economically support and uplift ecological farmers around the world by purchasing their high-quality aromatic products.
  • To support preservation of rainforests by purchasing aromatic products from sustainable agro-forestry projects.
  • To bring top-grade essential oil ingredients to customers by buying direct from to help preserve and promote traditional and indigenous ethno-botanical knowledge of medicinal and aromatic plants and their uses.

Environmental Standard

The demand for high-quality essential oils has led to unregulated plundering of forests in regions around the world, which, in some cases, has lead to many medicinal plants now to be considered endangered. DoshaCare, in partnership, with David Crow supports small re-forestation and distillation projects in many parts of the world. This sustainable business model allows farmers to replant on private properties and to harvest and distill.

We are pleased to support important sustainable reforestation and distillation projects, which bring increased economic prosperity to an otherwise poor region, along with education about preserving unique and important species from uncontrolled poaching. DoshaCare Formulas meet the following social and environmental standards 23% of ingredients are certified organic, 29% are organic, but are no certification available. 36% wild harvest, no certification and 10% are from natural sources.

Click here for 7 best practices to use essential oils.

Posted by: sakalaradiance | November 2, 2011

Skin Care Routine

skin care routine modelRecommended Skin Care Routine

Day 1 – Apply Sakala Ama Release Tonic to dry skin, massage gently over the face, neck
and décolletage. Apply your DoshaCare Cleanser over the Sakala Ama Release Tonic and massage gently. Remove with a warm terry or chamois wash cloth. Follow with elixir and moisturizer.

Day 2 – Apply your DoshaCare Cleanser and massage gently over the face, neck and
décolletage. Remove with a warm terry or chamois wash cloth. Apply Sakala Exfoliant, as vigorously as your skin will tolerate over the face, neck and décolletage. Pay special attention to the sides of the nose, the cleft of the chin, cheek area where blush is applied, and around the hairline where makeup and body oils accumulate and create build up.
Remove with a warm terry or chamois wash cloth. Follow with elixir and moisturizer.

Day 3 – Apply your DoshaCare Cleanser and massage gently over the face, neck and
décolletage. Remove with a warm terry or chamois wash cloth. Follow with elixir and

Day #4 Repeat Ritual steps 1-3

Determine your skin type here:


Have a lovely day!

Posted by: sakalaradiance | October 31, 2011

Almond and Fig Milk

fig and almond milk picture

Almond and Fig Milk Recipe

Almond milk is a very popular drink in India. There are different versions of this drink. Usually the milk will be very thick with all the nuts and cream with a hint of cardamom flavor. This milky recipe below represents a lighter version of almond milk using fat-free milk and Splenda instead of sugar, it is low calorie and fiber rich. Some dried figs were included to sweeten the flavour for a kind of a dessert or after dinner snack.


1. Almonds, ¼ cup.

2. Dried figs, ¼ cup.

3. Cardamom seeds, 2.

4. Fat-free milk, 2 cups. (Almond milk or soy milk can also be used here).

5. Sugar or any sweetener of choice, 2 tablespoons.


Soak the almonds for 3-4 hours and remove the skin. Crush the cardamom coarsely. Add all the ingredients in a blender and blend everything to a smooth mixture. This can be served as it is. To serve the milk hot, transfer the contents to a pot and cook for a few minutes until it comes to a boil. Once the milk comes to a boil, reduce the flame and let it simmer for a few more minutes and serve.




Posted by: sakalaradiance | October 26, 2011

Shaving Ritual

Shaving Ritual with DoshaCare

how to shave properly Determine your Dosha:
Click on the link to
figure out your skin type:

Based upon your dosha and current skin condition, choose either the Pitta (normal/sensitive) or Kapha (oily/congested) cleanser. These provide the best slip needed for a close shave.

Shaving Steps:
• Apply the cleanser to face moistened with water in circular motions to create a gentle lather.
• Use the razor to shave your face in an upward motion against the grain. Apply more cleanser if necessary for extra lather.
• After you rinse the skin clean, apply the appropriate elixir. Pitta would be best for any possible post shaving sensitivity.
• Apply appropriate DoshaCare moisturizer.
• For extra skin soothing, apply DoshaCare Environmental Shield as a final step.

That’s it!

Posted by: sakalaradiance | October 23, 2011

What is Ayurveda

coffee plantationWhat is Ayurveda?  

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old natural healing system originating in the ancient traditions of India.  Considered one of the leading forms of holistic medicine now available in the West, Ayurveda addresses all the factors that influence the quality of our lives, addressing the interlocking relationship between mind, body and spirit.

DoshaCare products are a Western translation of this Ayurvedic philosophy, combining the wisdom and inspiration of Eastern traditions with the best of Western science to inspire healthy lifestyle choices and promote a holistic approach to beauty and well-being.  In helping each of us re-discover our own perfection, DoshaCare users achieve authentic beauty that radiates from the inside out for inner peace, outer health and ageless living.  For more information on DoshaCare, please visit

Posted by: sakalaradiance | October 22, 2011

Yoga at Home

yoga fit teacherHere are a few ways Yoga Journal has recommended you make your home yoga-friendly  environment:


1. Work with what you have. Most of us don’t have an entire room we can dedicate to our yoga practice. I have a dedicated corner in a spare bedroom that I also use as an office. Your practice space doesn’t have to be anything fancy–all you need is enough room to stretch out in Downward-Facing Dog.


2. Set aside a dedicated space. While your space doesn’t have to be big or fancy, it does help to unroll your mat in the same spot every time. When you get into the habit, it’s hard not to walk past your yoga area without thinking about your practice. Even if you don’t immediately stop what you’re doing for some mat time, you might breathe deeper, relax your shoulders, and look forward to the next time you can practice.


3. Put something inspiring in your view. For some people this is an alter with a Buddha statue and pictures of your guru. I draw my inspiration from a bookcase full of my favorite books, magazines, pictures, and other trinkets that remind me of why I do this practice.


4. Clear the energy. It might sound a little woo-woo, but when something that stresses me out happens in my home practice space, I like to clear the energy my using my tingshas (Tibetan chimes). I know other people who use singing bowls or burn sage. You could accomplish the samething by simply sitting down to meditate on positive thoughts.


5. Leave your shoes at the door. I’m not a germophobe, so I’m not all that concerned about tracking germs from outside into my home. I still love the ritual of removing my shoes before I enter my practice space. It sets the tone for reverence and spirituality–which can be hard to do at home.

Posted by: sakalaradiance | October 14, 2011

Organic Skin Care

image representing organic clothLet’s get real…
What to look for in organic skin care?

By now, most of us have come to embrace the organic movement — organic food, organic products, even organic clothing.  Yes, everywhere we turn, it appears we are finding new ways to commune with nature and the beauty industry is no exception.  So, here’s what you need to know about organic skin care.

The Appetite for Organic
We know that eating organic food has tremendous benefits.  It provides the purest form of the nutrients we need, while minimizing the risks associated with preservatives, pesticides and other artificial ingredients.  Our skin is the largest living organ of our body.  Why not feed it, the way we feed our stomachs?   If we are to take a holistic approach to well-being, ultimately, what we put on our bodies is as important as what we put in our bodies.

Is Organic Skin Care Really more Effective?  
When done right, it absolutely can be.  It’s the same principle behind taking a vitamin or eating nutrient-rich foods.  Your body is able to metabolize over 80% of the Vitamin C in an orange versus less than 40% of a Vitamin C taken in a tablet.  The more fillers, synthetic materials or artificial ingredients a product has, the less potent it is and the less of the active ingredients your body absorbs.   By and large, our bodies naturally produce most of what we need to survive and thrive.  The more natural alternatives we incorporate in our daily routine, the more benefits we derive.

Too Much of a Good Thing?  
Be careful when evaluating products that claim to be “100% organic” or “all natural.”  The labeling requirements can be confusing.  In fact, companies can actually claim to be 100% natural even if only 94% of the ingredients are, in fact, organic.  What’s more, products that are 100% all natural may not necessarily be safer or more effective.  Ask about the product’s “stability” – or the ability of the ingredients to stay bound together over time and be sure to check the expiration date on the label.  The average shelf life of a liquid or cream product without a stable preservative is usually less than 90 days.  After that, they can become rancid and a breeding ground for germs.

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